How to Delete Messenger Call History on iPhone

Every app in the messenger app has a unique purpose and feature, which is still keeping the Messenger on top of the chat app list. Messenger call history is one of those features that enable iPhone users to keep tabs on their incoming and outgoing calls. However, you may have realized that Messenger stores these call histories for a long time, and removing them can be a bit tricky if you don’t know how to go about it.

This post will serve as a guide on how to delete Messenger call history on iPhone, detailing the pros and cons of the different methods available.

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What’s Needed

1) iPhone
2) Messenger app installed in the iPhone
3) Basic knowledge of iPhone and the Messenger app

What Requires Your Focus?

Few essential points need your focus when deleting the messenger call history on the iPhone. You must prepare yourself before following any method to avoid unexpected results:
1) Make sure to complete the backup of your chat history before deleting messenger call history since it can’t be undone.
2) The call history will be removed permanently using the following methods.
3) Be aware that deleting the call history does not remove any messages or chats made during the call.
4) Clearing call history on one device will remove it on all devices where you have logged in.

Different Methods to Delete Messenger Call History on iPhone

Method 1: Delete the call history from the Messenger app

This method involves removing the Messenger call history manually from the app. The procedure can be followed as below:
1. Open the Messenger app and go to the chats section.
2. Click on the "i" icon on the right side of the chat window.
3. Click on "Call Log" and select the call history you want to delete.
4. Tap and hold the call until a menu appears.
5. Click Remove Call to delete the selected call history.

– This method helps remove selected call history instead of removing all the call history available.
– This method is free and does not require downloading any third-party application.

– This method manually deletes the call history, and it can be time-consuming.

Method 2: Delete call history by reinstalling the Messenger app

This method involves uninstalling and reinstalling the Messenger app to clear call history. To follow this method, please make sure to backup your chat history to avoid losing data.
1. Open the iPhone settings and navigate to General > iPhone Storage.
2. Click on Messenger and click "Delete App" option.
3. Go to the App Store and reinstall the Messenger app.
4. Log in to the app with the previous credentials and confirm if the call history is deleted.

– This method is the fastest and simplest to execute since it requires only deleting the Messenger app and reinstalling it again.

– This method requires a backup before deleting the app to avoid losing data.
– This method deletes all Messenger data, chats, and call history.

Method 3: Delete call history using a third-party app

This method involves downloading third-party apps to help delete call history. One of the apps to follow to execute this method is CacheClearerX. The procedure to follow:
1) Download CacheClearerX from the App Store
2) Launch the app and select Messenger.
3) Mark the call history box and click "Clean."

– This method deletes the call history in a shorter time.
– This method is efficient and will clean up the messenger cache in the process.

– The third-party apps used may contain spyware or malware that can harm your iPhone.
– The third-party app will require permission to access your phone data.

Why Can’t I Delete Messenger Call History on iPhone?

1. Older version Messenger app: Change the Messenger’s older version and download the updated version for further steps or restore them from iTunes.
2. Messenger is running on multiple devices: Every device that has Messenger log out then Log in again will not show any call history.
3. Logged out of Messenger: Logout from Messenger and open the settings and click the messenger to enable messenger sync again if necessary.

Implication and Recommendations

Deleting the call history is essential to keep privacy private and keep the device running fast regularly. It is recommended to download third-party apps from reliable sources. Also, ensure you backup your chat history before deleting Messenger call history to avoid losing essential chat data.

5 Frequently Asked Questions about Deleting Messenger Call History on iPhone

Q1: How long does Messenger keep call log history?

A: Facebook does not specify how long Messenger stores call log history. However, it’s advisable to clear the history or log out after each call to protect your privacy.

Q2: Is it possible to restore Messenger call history after deleting it?

A: No, once you delete the Messenger’s call history, it cannot be restored. Ensure you back up your chats before deleting the calls history.

Q3: What is the clear cache option in CacheClearerX?

A: Clear Cache option clears all cache data available in various apps on the iPhone. CacheClearerX provides access to specific apps and clears only app cache when selected.

Q4: Will these methods work on an Android device?

A: No, these methods are specific for iPhones, and Android has its unique way of clearing call history.

Q5: What is the need for deleting Messenger call history?

A: Deleting call history ensures your privacy remains private, keeps your iPhone running fast, and removes irrelevant messages kept for long.

In Conclusion

If the Messenger call logs are visible to everyone and a burden on you, follow the methods detailed above to delete the Messenger call history. Remember to back up your iPhone chats before deleting any data from Messenger or any other app on the iPhone.

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