How to Change Notification Badge Color on iPhone?

Method 1: Using the Settings Menu

One way to change the notification badge color on your iPhone is through the Settings menu. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
2. Scroll down and tap on "Display & Brightness" or "Display & Sound".
3. Depending on your iPhone model, you may find an option called "Badge App Icon" or "App Icon Badges" within the Display & Brightness settings. Tap on it.
4. Look for the "Badge Color" or "Notification Badge Color" option and tap on it.
5. A color palette will appear, allowing you to select a new color for your notification badges. Choose the color you prefer.
6. Exit the Settings app and you should see the changes reflected on your notification badges.

Method 2: Using a Third-Party App

If the built-in options in the Settings menu do not provide the desired customization, you can explore third-party apps that offer more extensive options for changing the notification badge color on your iPhone. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Open the App Store on your iPhone.
2. Search for "notification badge color app" or a similar keyword.
3. Browse through the available apps and read the user reviews and ratings to choose a reliable and highly-rated app.
4. Once you have selected an app, download and install it on your iPhone.
5. Follow the app’s instructions to customize the notification badge colors according to your preferences.
6. Exit the app and you should see the changes reflected on your notification badges.

Changing the notification badge color can be a fun and creative way to personalize your iPhone and make it stand out. Whether you prefer the built-in options or decide to explore third-party apps, customizing your notification badges can help make your iPhone experience more enjoyable.

Remember to regularly check for updates and reviews before downloading any third-party app to ensure the app is safe and reliable.

Video Tutorial:Is there a way to change the notification color on iPhone?

How do I change the color of my notifications?

To change the color of your notifications on your iPhone, you can follow these steps:

1. Ensure you have updated your iPhone to the latest version of iOS. As of 2023, the latest iOS version is iOS 16. Keeping your software up to date ensures access to the latest features and customization options.

2. Go to the "Settings" app on your iPhone.

3. Scroll down and tap on "Display & Brightness" or "Display & Sounds," depending on the iOS version on your device.

4. Look for the "Appearance" or "Theme" option and tap on it. Choose from the available options, such as light or dark mode.

5. If you want to adjust specific notification colors, go back to the main Settings menu and tap on "Notifications."

6. From here, you can customize the notifications for individual apps. Tap on the app you want to change the notification color for.

7. Look for the "Notification Style" or similar option and tap on it. You may find various options like banners, alerts, or other notification styles.

8. Depending on the app and its settings, you may have the option to change the notification color or style within that specific app’s settings. If available, look for options like "Notification Color" or "App Theme" within the app’s settings.

Please note that not all apps provide the option to change notification colors, as this capability depends on app developers implementing it.

By following these steps, you should be able to customize the appearance and color of your notifications on your iPhone, ensuring a personalized experience.

How do I change my badges on my iPhone?

To change your badges on an iPhone, you can follow these steps:

1. On your iPhone home screen, locate the "Settings" app and tap on it to open.
2. In the Settings menu, scroll down and find the "Notifications" option. Tap on it.
3. In the Notifications menu, you will see a list of all the apps installed on your iPhone. Scroll through the list and select the app for which you want to change the badge.
4. Inside the app’s notification settings, you will find an option called "Badge App Icon." Toggle this option on or off according to your preference.
5. Once you have made the desired changes for one app, you can repeat the process for other apps as well.

Please note that not all apps support badges, and it ultimately depends on how the app developer has implemented this feature in their app. Furthermore, the appearance and options available in the Settings menu may vary slightly based on the version of iOS you are using.

How do I change the banner notification on my iPhone?

To change the banner notification on your iPhone, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone. You can find the Settings app on your home screen.
2. Scroll down and tap on "Notifications." This option is usually located towards the top of the third group of settings.
3. In the Notifications settings, you will see a list of all the apps installed on your iPhone. Locate the app for which you want to change the banner notification.
4. Tap on the app name to access its notification settings.
5. Inside the app’s notification settings, you will find various options to customize how notifications are displayed. Look for the "Alert Style" or "Banners" option and tap on it.
6. Here, you can choose the type of banner notification you prefer. You can choose between "Temporary," which appears briefly at the top of your screen, or "Persistent," which stays on the screen until you interact with it.
7. Additionally, you can adjust other notification settings like sounds, badges, and the position of the banner by tapping on the relevant options.

Please note that the exact steps and terminology may vary slightly depending on your iPhone model and the version of iOS you are using.

Can you change notification bubble color on iPhone?

Yes, you can change the notification bubble color on an iPhone. With the release of iOS 14, Apple introduced several new customization options, including the ability to change the color of your notification bubbles. This feature allows you to personalize your iPhone’s appearance to your liking.

To change the notification bubble color, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
2. Scroll down and tap on "Display & Brightness."
3. Under the Appearance section, select "Light" or "Dark" mode based on your preference.
4. Tap on "Customize" at the bottom of the screen.
5. Choose the "Accent Color" option.
6. Now, you can select the color you want for your notification bubbles. There are several options available, such as blue, green, purple, and more.
7. Once you’ve selected your desired color, exit the Settings app, and your notification bubbles will now appear in the chosen color.

It’s important to note that this feature is available starting from iOS 14 and later versions, so make sure your iPhone is updated to the latest iOS version, which is currently iOS 16. Enjoy personalizing your iPhone’s notification bubble color according to your preferences!

Can I change notification light colour?

Yes, you can often change the notification light color on some Android smartphones and some third-party apps. However, this feature is typically not available on iPhones, including the latest models such as iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone 14 Plus running on iOS 16. iPhones do not offer a built-in option to customize the notification LED color. If you are particularly interested in having this feature, you may want to explore alternative methods such as using software customizations or third-party apps specifically designed for customizing LED notifications on iOS devices. Keep in mind that using third-party apps or modifications may require jailbreaking your device, which can void the warranty and potentially introduce security risks.

Can I change notification light Colour?

Yes, you can change the notification light color on certain smartphones. However, the option to customize the notification light color may vary depending on the device and its operating system. For example, some Android devices offer built-in settings that allow you to change the notification light color, while others may require third-party apps or modifications.

In the case of iPhones, as of the latest iPhone models like iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone 14 Plus with iOS 16, iOS does not provide a native feature to change the notification light color. Apple has primarily used the LED flash on iPhones as a camera flash rather than a dedicated notification light. Therefore, by default, iOS does not offer customization options for the LED flash color.

To work around this limitation, you may consider using third-party apps available on the App Store. These apps utilize the LED flash functionality and provide options to control the color and patterns for incoming notifications. Simply search for "LED notification apps" or similar terms on the App Store to explore available options. Keep in mind that the effectiveness of these apps may vary, and they may require specific permissions or compatibility with your iPhone model.

It’s important to note that the availability and functionality of notification light customization can change with future software updates or device releases. It’s always recommended to stay updated with the latest iOS or Android versions and check the device’s settings or official documentation for any new features related to notification lights.

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