How to Black Out Background on iPhone Picture?

Have you ever taken a photo on your iPhone and wished you could black out the background to make your subject stand out more? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many iPhone users often find themselves in this situation, whether it be for a professional headshot or just a simple selfie.

The good news is that there are a few different ways you can achieve this effect right on your iPhone, without needing any fancy editing tools or advanced techniques. In this blog post, we will explore a few methods that will help you black out the background on your iPhone picture.

Method 1: Portrait Mode

If you have an iPhone that supports Portrait mode (usually iPhone 7 Plus and later models), this is the easiest and most effective way to achieve a blurred background effect. Portrait mode uses the dual cameras on compatible iPhones to create a depth effect, which automatically separates the subject from the background.

To use Portrait mode, simply open the Camera app and swipe to the "Portrait" mode option. You’ll see a live preview of your subject, and the camera will automatically blur the background. You can also adjust the intensity of the blur using the "Aperture" slider, giving you more control over how much the background is blacked out.

Method 2: Edit with the Photos App

If your iPhone doesn’t support Portrait mode, or if you want more control over the blurring effect, you can use the built-in editing tools in the Photos app to black out the background manually. Here’s how:

1. Open the Photos app and select the picture you want to edit.
2. Tap on the "Edit" button at the top right corner of the screen.
3. Tap on the three overlapping circles icon (Adjustments) at the bottom of the screen.
4. Scroll down to find the "Depth" tool and adjust the slider to increase the intensity of the background blur. This will help create a blacked-out background effect.

Method 3: Use Third-Party Apps

If you’re looking for more advanced editing options, you can also try using third-party apps specifically designed for background removal and editing. Some popular options include Snapseed, Adobe Photoshop Express, and TouchRetouch.

These apps offer a wide range of features, including manual background removal, smart selection tools, and various customization options. While they may require a bit more time and effort to master, they give you more control over the blacking out of the background and allow for more precise editing.

In conclusion, blacking out the background on your iPhone picture can be achieved through the built-in features like Portrait mode, the Photos app’s editing tools, or through third-party apps. Whether you’re a professional photographer or just a casual iPhone user, these methods will help you achieve the desired effect and make your subject truly stand out.

Next time you find yourself wanting to black out the background on your iPhone picture, give one of these methods a try and see the amazing results you can achieve right from your pocket!

Video Tutorial:How do I black out the background of a picture?

How can I change the background of a picture iPhone?

To change the background of a picture on your iPhone, follow these steps:

1. Open the Photos app on your iPhone.

2. Find the picture you want to edit and tap on it to open it in full screen.

3. Tap on the "Edit" button located at the top right corner of the screen.

4. In the edit mode, you will see a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Tap on the three dots icon (often referred to as "More") to access additional editing options.

5. Choose "Markup" from the list of editing options.

6. Once in Markup mode, tap on the "+" icon at the bottom right corner of the screen and select "Text" from the menu that appears.

7. Use your finger to draw a rectangle around the area of the picture that you want to preserve as your new background.

8. After you have selected the area, a text box will appear. Tap inside the text box and select "Cutout" from the formatting options.

9. Tap outside the text box to deselect it. You will now see that the selected area has been cut out from the picture.

10. To change the background, tap on the "+" icon again and select "Text" from the menu.

11. This time, draw a rectangle around the entire canvas to select the background area.

12. Tap inside the text box again and select "Color Fill." Choose the color you want for your new background from the color picker that appears.

13. Tap outside the text box to deselect it. You will now see that the background of your picture has been changed to the color you selected.

14. Finally, tap on "Done" at the bottom right corner of the screen to save your changes.

That’s it! You have successfully changed the background of a picture on your iPhone using built-in editing tools.

How do I black out the background of a picture on my iPhone iOS 16?

To black out the background of a picture on your iPhone running iOS 16, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Photos app on your iPhone and select the picture you want to edit.

2. Tap the Edit option located at the top-right corner of the screen. This will open up the editing tools.

3. In the editing tools, tap on the three horizontal dots (more options) icon. It is usually located at the bottom of the screen or in the row of icons.

4. From the menu that appears, select Markup. This will provide you with additional editing options.

5. Once you are in the Markup editor, tap on the plus (+) icon located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. This will open up a new blank canvas.

6. Now, tap on the three-dot icon again, and from the menu, select Color.

7. In the color options, select the black color to use it as your brush color.

8. Use your finger or Apple Pencil (if your device supports it) to draw over the background you want to black out. You can adjust the thickness and opacity of the brush using the options at the top of the screen.

9. Keep drawing until you have covered the entire background you wish to black out.

10. Once you are satisfied with the result, tap Done.

11. The edited picture will be saved as a new copy in your Photos library, while the original photo remains unchanged.

By following these steps, you can successfully black out the background of a picture on your iPhone running iOS 16 using the built-in Markup tool in the Photos app.

How do I mask the background of a picture?

To mask the background of a picture, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a photo editing software: You’ll need to have a photo editing software installed on your computer or smartphone. Popular options include Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Pixlr, or Canva. Launch the software and open the picture you want to work on.

2. Choose the selection tool: Look for a selection tool in your editing software. Often, this tool looks like an icon representing a rectangle or a lasso. Click on the selection tool to activate it.

3. Select the background: Use the selection tool to carefully select the background you want to mask. If the software offers multiple selection options, choose the most appropriate one for your picture. For example, if the background is a solid color, you can use a rectangular selection tool. If it has complex shapes or details, a freehand or magnetic lasso tool may be more suitable. Take your time and make precise selections.

4. Refine the selection: Once you’ve made a rough selection, refine it for better accuracy. Most photo editing software provides options to adjust the edge of the selection. Look for terms like "feather," "smooth," or "refine edge" in your software and use those features to improve your selection. This step is crucial, especially if the background has intricate details.

5. Invert the selection: After ensuring that the background is accurately selected, invert the selection to mask the background instead of the foreground image. This option is usually found in the "Selection" or "Edit" menu of your software. Look for "Invert Selection" or a similar command.

6. Remove or replace the background: With the background properly selected, you can now remove it completely or replace it with a different image. The method to do this depends on the software you’re using. In most cases, you can simply press the delete key to remove the background. Alternatively, you may have to create a layer mask, delete the selection, or cut out the background. If you want to replace the background, you can place another image or a solid color behind the main subject.

7. Fine-tune and save the changes: Once you’ve removed or replaced the background, examine the resulting image carefully. Look for any areas that might need further refinement or attention. Adjust the edges if necessary, and make any other modifications you desire. Finally, save the image in a suitable format (such as JPEG or PNG) to preserve the changes you have made.

Remember, the exact steps might vary slightly based on the software you use, so consult the software’s documentation or help resources for more detailed instructions specific to your chosen editing tool.

How do you take the background out of a picture?

To remove the background from a picture, you can follow the steps below:

1. Use a photo editing tool: Several photo editing tools and software offer background removal features, such as Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or online tools like or Canva. These tools provide more advanced editing capabilities and precise control over the process.

2. Select the subject: Use any selection tool available in your photo editing software to outline and select the subject you want to keep. This can be done by using tools like the lasso tool, pen tool, or magic wand tool. Ensure your selection accurately encompasses the subject.

3. Refine the selection: Once you have made the initial selection, refine it to improve accuracy and remove any unnecessary background elements. This step is crucial for a seamless cutout. Zoom in and adjust the edges of the selection according to the subject’s details, such as hair or intricate shapes.

4. Use the background removal feature: In most photo editing software, you can find a specific background removal feature or function. It might be called "Background Eraser," "Magic Extractor," or something similar. Apply this tool to remove the selected background while retaining the foreground subject.

5. Fine-tune the result: After removing the background, examine the output and make any necessary adjustments for a polished look. Edit the edges, fix any jagged lines, or adjust the transparency to blend the subject smoothly into any new background you might add.

6. Save your work: Once you are satisfied with the result, save the image file in a format that supports transparency, such as PNG. This format preserves the removed background, allowing you to overlay the subject seamlessly in other projects or on different backgrounds.

Please note that the effectiveness of background removal depends on the complexity of the image, the tools you use, and your proficiency in using them. Practice and experimentation with different techniques will help you achieve better results.

How can I change the background of an existing photo?

To change the background of an existing photo, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a photo editing software: There are many photo editing software available, both free and paid. Some popular options include Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Pixlr, and Canva. Choose the software that suits your skill level and requirements.

2. Open the photo in the software: Launch the chosen photo editing software and open the photo you want to modify. You can usually do this by navigating to "File" and selecting "Open." Alternatively, you might be able to drag and drop the photo directly into the software interface.

3. Select the background: Depending on the software, you’ll have various tools for selecting the background. The most common tools include the Magic Wand, Lasso, or Pen tool. Use these tools to select the area you want to remove from the photo.

4. Remove the selected background: Once you’ve made the selection, you can delete or remove the selected background from the photo. In most software, you can do this by pressing the "Delete" key or using the "Cut" option.

5. Choose a new background: Now that the original background is removed, you can choose to add a new background. Depending on the software, you may have options to insert a new image, solid color, or gradient as the background.

6. Adjust and blend the new background: Resize, position, and adjust the new background layer as needed to fit the photo. Use blending tools or opacity adjustments to ensure that the new background blends smoothly with the main photo.

7. Save the modified photo: Once you are happy with the changes and the new background is blended well, save the photo in your desired file format. Remember to keep the original file intact in case you need to make any further modifications later.

By following these steps, you should be able to replace the background of an existing photo effectively. Remember that some software may have slightly different tools or options, but the general process remains similar across most photo editing applications.

How can I change background of any photo?

To change the background of any photo, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a suitable photo editing software: There are various photo editing software options available, both free and paid. Popular choices include Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Pixlr, and Canva. Select a software that suits your requirements and skill level.

2. Open the photo in the chosen software: Once you have installed the software, open the photo you want to edit by importing or dragging it into the program’s interface.

3. Select the subject: Use the selection tools available in the software to select the subject of the photo. This can be done by manually tracing the outline of the subject or using automated selection tools like the Magic Wand or Quick Selection Tool.

4. Refine the selection (if necessary): After making the initial selection, you may need to refine the edges to ensure accuracy. Most photo editing software provides tools like Feather or Refine Edge to smoothen out the selection and account for fine details.

5. Remove the existing background: Once the subject is accurately selected, proceed to remove the existing background. Depending on the software, this can be done by using a background eraser tool or a masking technique to separate the subject from the background.

6. Choose a new background: With the original background removed, you can now insert a new background into the photo. You can either use a preset background from the software or import your own image to serve as the new background.

7. Adjust and blend: After adding the new background, adjust its position, scale, or orientation as needed to achieve the desired effect. Additionally, make adjustments to the subject’s lighting, color, and shadows to ensure it blends seamlessly with the new background.

8. Finalize and save: Once you are satisfied with the changes, save the edited photo in your preferred file format (e.g., JPEG, PNG) and choose an appropriate quality setting. Remember to save a copy of the original photo separately for future reference or rework.

By following these steps, you can effectively change the background of any photo using a suitable photo editing software.

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